Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I Suck at Christmas

I had a great Christmas Eve with my boyfriend and his family last night. However, today, I wasn't up to much. Mom, Dad, and I had dinner together and bummed around the house, as is our usual tradition. Just for humor, here was my Christmas:

- Sleep in 'til 3pm. Why? 'Cause I can.
- Watch a TV show that recounts decades-old murders and how they were solved.
- Rice. Lots of rice.
- Play with phone apps.
- Read.
- Watch TV with mom.
- Blog.

Somewhere Santa is remembering that he should have thrown coal down my chimney last night.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Guys and Umbrellas

I go to school in Southeastern Ohio, and my hilly campus is prone to bouts of rain. This year, I finally noticed a strange phenomenon that has probably been occurring since long before I began to attend:

Guys don't use umbrellas.


Very few men actually use umbrellas on campus. From what I can tell, they prefer getting drenched in a torrential downpour to using an umbrella.

A few answers I have received:

1. They are girly.

2. It is one more thing to have to carry around.

Blah Blah Blah...

Please, someone, enlighten me as to why men hate umbrellas???

Benefits of an umbrella -->

- Cute guy/ girl? Raining? Share the umbrella.
- NOT getting drenched. 

Seriously though: what's up with umbrella dislike?