Monday, August 13, 2012

Q Flarp

I was in choir in high school. While I could go on for hours about choir experiences and probably bore you to death in the meantime, I just have one quick memory.

My choir director, V, had multiple good sayings. He was the awesome kind of teacher that you were a bit afraid of freshmen year and wanted to invite to your grad party senior year. He was just that much a part of our lives.

One of my favorite quotes of his was repeated often. Whenever the choir would go horribly off-key, V would scrunch his face, sigh, rub his forehead and tell us that we had entered into the key of Q Flarp. Admittedly, I have yet to fully capture what he meant. To me, the key of Q Flarp is a place that's a little weird. Sometimes you hit the wrong notes, you sigh, scrunch your face, and you start over.

As what grown-ups label a "young adult," I find myself in the key of Q Flarp quite often. As annoying as it is, and as much as it bothers those around me, it gives me a place to start fresh. Or, at least, a place from which I can work towards the right key.

Welcome to the key of Q Flarp.

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