I think it might be just a little bit obvious that I am a liberal, politically. Very liberal for a USA citizen. Off the charts liberal. Abortion? Should be a woman´s choice. Birth control? Sooooo necessary. Sex education? The USA sucks at it, let´s fix that.
But something particularly important recently in American society, a "hot button" issue: gay marriagge. Or, as I like to call it: marriage.
Ellen Degeneres posted a picture of her and her wife, Portia, smiling in Sydney, Australia after 4 happy years of marriage. Knowing what I would find, I decided to look at the comments made by regular facebook users. Here are my thoughts:
1. Why can´t bigots spell? Seriously, I am awful at spelling, but at least I know the word is "sick" not "sik".
2. Many people are apposed to gay marriage because it is "gross". That word represents how truly feeling-based such opinions are and highlights the riddiculousness of someone who argues that others need to change their ways of life because someone finds it "gross". I find smoking gross. That doesn´t mean I boycot your ability to buy cigarettes.
3. In particular, some Catholic and Evangelical Christians use the argument that the Bible is against gay marriage. While the interpretation of such Bible versus is up for debate (I´m not getting into that now), the Constitution is clear. The USA allows freedom of religion, which means that no religion can mandate laws or rules for the country at large. Separation of church and state was a founding principle, and is still followed today in most cases. To me, that means that a church should get to decide whether or not gay couples can get married within the church, but that religious views should have no affect on USA law. In other words, the churh should get no say in whether or not gay marriage is legalized.
Confronted with this opinion on Ellen´s facebook, these particularly fierce Christians (not all Christians are like this. In fact, few are) argued that the USA should honor the Christian god. While they have the right to think that, it is hard to dispute that the USA was created with separation of church and state in mind, for a reason. In fact, initial settlers came to the New World in the hopes of escaping religious views being imposed upon them.
4. The aforementioned people who said gay marriage was "gross" also compared it to murder and incest. There is no connetion there; and any connection made was intended to get a rise out of people who are pro gay marriage.
5. Final thought: I think we should just call it marriage. That´s what it is, after all.
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